so they are truly unique to each patient.

#1 von xuezhiqian123 , 12.02.2019 09:08

Health > Medical > Medical AssistantBariatric Coordinator
Posted by slimlifesolutions in Health on March 12th Tom Glavine Jersey , 2018

Dr. Eslami earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Tehran in Iran. Upon graduation, Dr. Eslami completed two years of service in the military as a general practitioner. In 1999 he relocated to the United States and completed a residency program in General Surgery at the University of Maryland in Baltimore, and was awarded a chief residency completion in both surgical trauma and intensive care shock trauma. He then went on to the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas to complete his fellowship in Advanced Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery.

In addition to his formal education, Dr. Eslami has been very involved with clinical research, and often presents his articles at various conferences around the country.

Dr Eslami is an active member of the medical staff at several Mercy Hospitals. He has obtained Board Certification in Surgery from the American Board of Surgery. He is a member of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) . Dr Eslami is designated as a Center of Excellence- Bariatric Surgeon through the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) of which he is an active member. Dr. Eslami is a piano player and he enjoys spending time with friends and family, participating in cultural meetings Phil Niekro Jersey , and reading history in his spare time.


Bariatric Coordinator

Over 10 years experience in health insurance and healthcare. She has a variety of credentials including Certified Nursing Assistant, Rehabilitation Nursing Assistant, Medical Assistant and Phlebotomist. Carol is a strong advocate of bariatric surgery and is a fantastic resource to her patients since she had Gastric Bypass surgery in 2009. Carol is caring, committed and extremely passionate about helping you achieve your health goals. She is excited to work with you from the beginning of your bariatric surgery journey, through all the pre-surgical requirements and beyond!



Brittany is a Registered Dietitian with a bachelors of science in Genetics from UC Davis.

nutrition plans when able so they are truly unique to each patient.

Brittany completed her dietetic internship at Napa State Hospital with experience in community, childhood Orlando Cepeda Jersey , clinical, oncology, diabetic, metabolic, and renal nutrition. She is truly passionate about helping people optimize their health and improve their lives through personalized nutrition and lifestyle choices. Brittany is well versed in the field of nutrigenomics and incorporates personalized genetic information into her

She is also a personal trainer certified in mat and standing pilates and works with gyms in the area teaching pilates and sports nutrition.



Beiträge: 2.431
Registriert am: 19.12.2018


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